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Ego vs. EQ: How Top Leaders Beat 8 Ego Traps with Emotional Intelligence

Updated: Nov 28, 2021

by Jen Shirkani

November 5, 2013

218 pages

I had the pleasure of reading this after hosting the author at a book event several years ago. It is a cautionary tale of the dangers of leading with an unchecked ego. The stories shared range from head shaking to horrifying. The solutions offered are logical and practical.

Ego vs. EQ outlines eight ego traps that leaders can fall into as they rise through the ranks including Surrounding Yourself with More of You or Being Blind to Your Downstream Impact. Shirkani offers Emotional Intelligence (EQ) as the key to avoiding these traps. EQ is a key leadership competency and this book effectively highlights it's value.

Some takeaways you may discover:

· The value of EQ training for your organization.

· Recognizing the true value of your technical skills once you assume a leadership role.

· How to accept feedback.

· The importance of remembering your experience on the front lines.

· Acknowledging that you are under constant scrutiny.

· How to use the Three Rs- Read, Recognize, and Respond, to sidestep emotional pitfalls.

Ego vs EQ challenges us to confront our egos. The appendix includes an excellent assessment to help identify ego blind spots. It is an uncomfortable, but essential exercise if you want to grow as a leader.

Abraham Lincoln said, “… if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” The power associated with leadership can be intoxicating. This power combined with an ego gone wild can lead to more than just low morale. Leaders who effectively manage their EQ create an environment of trust, confidence, and commitment.

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