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Making a Difference: Stories of Vision & Courage from America's Leaders

Updated: Nov 28, 2021

by Capt. Chesley Sullenberger

March 5, 2013

336 pages

Most of you now know Captain "Sully" Sullenberger from what has become known as the “Miracle on the Hudson”- the dramatic water landing of U.S. Airways Flight 1549 in 2009. You may have seen his story chronicled in the movie, “Sully”. Sullenberger’s overnight transition from unknown pilot to international hero gave him the opportunity to meet other leaders and inspired him to capture the essential elements of leadership in this book.

In Making a Difference, which he describes as a modern-day version of JFK’s Profiles in Courage, the author interviews a number of contemporary leaders from many different fields. These include Lt. Co. Tammy Duckworth, baseball manager Tony La Russa, NASA flight director Gene Kranz, Costco CEO Jim Senegal, and many others. Through these interviews, Sullenberger brings together the common themes and presents an outstanding inventory of leadership core qualities.

Some takeaways you may discover:

· What Lt. Col. Tammy Duckworth's wartime tragedy teaches us about courage.

· How U.S. Admiral Thad Allen navigated some of the nations’ biggest challenges.

· How William Bratton brought wholesale, positive change to the NYPD.

· Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm’s bold offensive against the state’s economic crisis.

Skillful leaders grow by studying great leaders. Capt. Sullenberger asks all the right questions; the same questions that all leaders want answered. Questions not just about strategies, but about behaviors that help us develop our ability to lead others. He then beautifully summarizes it all in the final chapter.

This book will resonate with readers from all walks of life. The subjects of the interviews are diverse, and the stories are fascinating. Through it all, Sully captures lessons that are so universal they every leader can benefit from reading Making a Difference.

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