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Polarity Management: Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems

Updated: Nov 28, 2021

by Barry Johnson

June 12, 2014

292 pages

Okay, this isn’t a mainstream leadership book, but it does address a challenge that many leaders face: solving the seemingly unsolvable problem. A fascinating read that may change the way you look at problems and manage them.

Johnson suggests that many “problems” do not have concrete solutions and that what we typically refer to as "problems to solve" are actually polarities to manage. An example of this would be centralization vs. decentralization. Neither are absolute right or wrong, but either can be harmful if it is overemphasized to the detriment of the other.

Some takeaways you may discover:

· How to recognize the difference between a problem and a polarity.

· How to change your thinking from either/or to both/and.

· How to work effectively with both those who support tradition and those crusading for change.

· Identify the skills needed to maintain a positive balance between polarities.

· How polarity management can be applied to your leadership style.

Leaders regularly find themselves trying to answer difficult questions. Hire from the outside or promote from within? Collaborate or compete? Speed or quality? This book shows us how to stop looking for one solution and start managing the positives of each side. Following this plan will require leaders to ask better questions, seek to understand the feelings of others, and stay alert to changes in the workplace that could threaten the balance. Polarity management is also an outstanding how-to book; filled with sample exercises and tips on how to conduct your own workshop.

Challenge yourself with this one, you’ll never look at problems the same way again!

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