by Stephen M.R. Covey
February 5, 2008
354 pages
Today's book support that trust is the foundation of successful teams and a key measure by which our leaders are judged. Despite its importance, trust is rarely discussed in most workplaces because it is such an uncomfortable topic. I was fortunate to work for many years in high-ropes courses where trust was in a key success factor in every program and could not be avoided. I witnessed firsthand the power that a trusting, supportive environment could have on teams.
That’s why I love this book. It challenges the reader to take a close look at the energy created by trust and how leaders can harness it to achieve amazing things.
The Speed of Trust examines the tangible value of trust to organizations and the unexpected costs incurred by a low-trust workplace. It offers realistic strategies to help leaders build lasting trust within their teams and with the public they serve.
Some takeaways you may discover:
· How to assess the level of trust in your organization and determine its benefit or cost.
· Understand the relationship between trust, cost, and speed.
· Assessing your personal credibility.
· Mastering behaviors that build relationship trust.
· How to grow trust throughout your organization, your market, and society.
Covey takes issues of broken trust head on and addresses common myths about trust. He adds a couple of excellent self-assessments and many thought-provoking stories.
Leaders often worry about who to trust. While this is an important consideration, the more important question may be, “who trusts you?” If you don’t like the answer, grab this book and get to work. Trust-building is easier than you might think.